Classification of LED billboards


LED billboards can be roughly classified into outdoor billboards and outdoor screens. As the application environment of LED outdoor billboards is rather harsh, there is a high demand for LED luminous materials and cabinets. LED advertising words due to the surface of the bright color of the acrylic plate, the daytime effect than the neon metal iron beautiful words, whole body light at night, as long as the brightness is sufficient, the effect is even better than the neon full row, and the cost is greatly reduced, in the backlight lighting company in the backlight The bars can be divided into three categories. One is a low-power backlight strip, and the number of lamp beads is greater. The second type is a mid-power backlight strip. Its number of lamp beads is less than that of low-power lamps. Since the overall power of the lamp is larger than the low-power lamp, it is generally selected. The third is the high-power backlight strip, which has fewer lamp beads. In order to make the light efficiency more uniform, an optical lens is added to the lamp beads so as to achieve uniform light efficiency. This cost is relatively low, but The disadvantage is that the light bar has poor heat dissipation and the light fades. LED advertising characters have the features of power saving and longevity. And can be freely programmed according to people's wishes, to achieve seven-color discoloration and full-color numerical control word gradient, full-word change and other functions, high technology content.

The LED advertising screen is a display mode that controls semiconductor light-emitting diodes. It is composed of a large number of light-emitting diodes, usually red, and displays characters by turning on and off the light. Used to display text, graphics, images, animation, quotes, video, video signals and other information display screen. LED display has been widely used in large squares, commercial advertising, stadiums, information dissemination, news release, securities trading and so on.